Friday, December 7, 2012

Eaten by a Grue: Curly Fry Battle Royale (with cheese)!

Greetings fellow food enthusiasts and welcome to another installment of Eaten by a Grue. The blog where I talk about things I've (Grue) have eaten. This post has been a long time coming and I have had to do extensive research on the subject, but I have come a decision on a very heated topic: Who has the best curly fries?! I limited my search to fast food restaurants because sit-down establishments have a different caliber of fries (or at least they should). The contestants in this battle are Burger King, Jack in the Box and Arby's. Now...LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUMMMMMBBBBBBBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEE.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Believe the Stereotypes

I love Halo 4 and have been playing it a lot recently. It is a good break from most of the other games I play because the action is fast and it doesn't take much of a time investment to play. However it's not all blue skies and rainbows in War Games. Now we all know the stereotype about people on Xbox Live: they have stupid names like XXSnYpEr420P0rNXX and yell vulgar phrases nonstop. Well I'm here to tell you at least half of this is dead on. While I haven't encountered too many raving idiots, I have encountered many, MANY cringe worthy names. Since there's no way to tell if these individuals are being ironic or not (does it really matter?) I thought I would post some of the gems I've found. Read More for the list!